About me

I am currently a Postdoctoral Associate at the Department of Biomedical Informatics & Data Science, School of Medicine at Yale University with Prof. Qingyu Chen. Also, I worked closely with Prof. Hyunghoon Cho and Prof. Hua Xu. Prior to joining Yale University, I was a Research Fellow at the College of Computing and Data Science at Nanyang Technological University with Prof. Yang Liu, Prof. Han Yu and Prof. Luu Anh Tuan. I received my Ph.D degree from the School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, under the supervision of Prof. Xiang-Yang Li and Prof. Lan Zhang.

My research interests focus on trustworthy AI, medical large language models, federated learning and graph learning.

Recent News

  1. [2024.08.27] Our paper “Joint Client-and-Sample Selection for Federated Learning via Bi-level Optimization” was accepted by IEEE TMC 2024.
  2. [2024.08.27] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member of FL@FM-NeurIPS’24.
  3. [2024.08.13] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member of AAAI 2025.
  4. [2024.08.06] Our paper “VulAdvisor: Natural Language Suggestion Generation for Software Vulnerability Repair” was accepted by ASE 2024.
  5. [2024.07.29] Our paper “Privacy-preserving Data Selection for Horizontal and Vertical Federated Learning” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS 2024).
  6. [2024.07.15] Our paper “CaBaFL: Asynchronous Federated Learning via Hierarchical Cache and Feature Balance” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD 2024).
  7. [2024.07.12] Our paper “FlexFL: Heterogeneous Federated Learning via APoZ-Guided Flexible Pruning in Uncertain Scenarios” was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD 2024).
  8. [2024.07.01] Dr. Anran Li joined the Department of Biomedical Informatics & Data Science, School of Medicine at Yale University as a Postdoctoral Associate.
  9. [2024.04.17] Our paper “Dual Calibration-based Personalised Federated Learning” was accepted by IJCAI 2024.
  10. [2024.04.04] Dr. Anran Li received the SIGMOD 2024 scholarship award.
  11. [2024.03.15] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member of FL@FM-IJCAI’24.
  12. [2024.02.23] Our paper “Historical Embedding-Guided Efficient Large-Scale Federated Graph Learning” was accepted by ACM SIGMOD 2024.
  13. [2024.01.23] Our paper “Federated Graph Neural Networks: Overview, Techniques and Challenges” was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2024.
  14. [2024.01.17] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member of IJCAI 2024.
  15. [2024.01.04] Our paper “Aggregating Intrinsic Information to Enhance BCI Performance through Federated Learning” was accepted by Neural Networks 2024.
  16. [2023.12.16] Our paper “An Empirical Study on Noisy Label Learning for Program Understanding” was accepted by ICSE 2024.
  17. [2023.12.09] Our paper “FedMut: Generalized Federated Learning via Stochastic Mutation” was accepted by AAAI 2024.
  18. [2023.12.03] Our paper “FedCross: Towards Accurate Federated Learning via Multi-Model Cross-Aggregation” was accepted by IEEE ICDE 2024.
  19. [2023.11.08] Our paper “Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Feature Importance-based Vertical Federated Learning” was accepted by IEEE TMC 2023.
  20. [2023.10.16] Our paper “Historical Embedding-Guided Efficient Large-Scale Federated Graph Learning” was submitted to ACM SIGMOD 2024 4th round.
  21. [2023.10.02] Our paper “Adaptive and Efficient Participant Selection in Vertical Federated Learning” was accepted by IEEE MSN 2023.
  22. [2023.09.20] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member for AAMAS 2024.
  23. [2023.09.13] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member for FL@FM-NeurIPS 2023.
  24. [2023.08.10] Dr. Anran Li served as a PC member for AAAI 2024.
  25. [2023.08.06] One paper has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC 2023).
  26. [2023.05.23] Our paper “FedCSS: Joint Client-and-Sample Selection for Hard Sample-Aware Noise-Robust Federated Learning” was accepted by ACM SIGMOD 2024.
  27. [2023.04.20] Our paper “Fairness via Group Contribution Matching” has been accepted by IJCAI 2023.
  28. [2022.12.22] Our paper “GFL: Federated Learning on Non-IID data via Privacy-preserving Synthetic data” was accepted by PerCom 2023.
  29. [2022.12.16] Our paper “Learning Program Representations with a Tree-Structured Transformer” was accepted by SANER 2023.
  30. [2022.12.02] Our paper “FedSDG-FS: Efficient and Secure Feature Selection for Vertical Federated Learning” was accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023.


Address: Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520

Email: anran.li@yale.edu